De: TAF - "Empreendedorismo social"
Continuo a insistir na necessidade de apostar em iniciativas de empreendedorismo social, pois é um dos melhores meios de fazer desenvolver o Norte. Leiam-se as novidades do, por exemplo na Forbes:
«Google shunned nonprofit status as too restrictive for its philanthropic aims, instead choosing to make both grants and for-profit investments. Each initiative has a director and small staff, but individual budgets are not fixed and may vary widely. wants competition for ideas and projects, and like Google's core businesses, plans to make future moves based on feedback from earlier investments.
Executives expect a certain amount of ridicule for their unconventional and risky approach to problem-solving. "A lot (of the initiatives) could fail," says Brilliant. "They are risky and unconventional." They are also designed to break down "false choices," he says, between trade and aid. Sound cocky? "Of course, you could call us arrogant--it's Google," says one official. "But we're motivated to think big."»
Apareça capital, que eu ajudo a aplicá-lo. ;-)
A propósito, vale a pena lembrar as razões pelas quais é racional e potencialmente lucrativo investir em projectos que provavelmente vão falhar.
PS: um exemplo de desenvolvimento lusófono (via).